
5 Common Aging Concerns and How to Solve Them

5 Common Aging Concerns and How to Solve Them

Getting older means that many things will become inconvenient for you. Even when you are at home and receiving in-home care services in Anaheim Hills, California, what you once thought to be normal and ordinary may become an obstacle to your daily living. If you plan to age in place, assess the home first for senior risks.

Here are some of the common aging problems as well as how you can solve them:

  1. Steps

    Sooner or later, going up and down the stairs will feel like torture to you. Using the stairs may cause you to run out of breath. Sometimes, it may cause pain to your knee joints. If you have steps leading to the house’s second or third floor, install a stairlift. For outdoor steps, ramps are a good alternative. Of course, consider moving your bedroom to the first floor so you can avoid using the stairs.

  2. Falls

    As you age, your fall risk increases a lot. Falling can cause injuries. Injuries on older adults are quite slow to heal even with quality health care in California. To reduce the risk of falls, exercise on a regular basis to strengthen your body. Vision problems also contribute to falls. The best way to circumvent that is to provide enough lighting around the home. Spring clean the house as well to remove clutter and rearrange low furniture. Don’t forget to install anti-slip rugs in bathtubs or showers.

  3. Help in Emergency Situations

    Plan ahead for emergency situations. Will there be someone who you can call when you need help? Do you have immediate access to the hospital or the police? Consider installing medical alerts, in-home sensory systems, and home phones. Prepare the phone number of the nearest hospital, police station, and important establishments. Check telehealth systems too so you can get help when you need it the most.

  4. Good Sleep

    Your body’s condition as you age may hinder you from getting that quality sleep you need for good health. Respiratory issues and joint pains are some of the issues that can keep you up at night. To deal with sleep concerns, try getting an adjustable bed. Adjustable beds allow you to find the best sleep angle at night.

  5. Medication Regimen

    Due to your mobility or cognitive issues, taking the right meds on time may prove to be difficult. Get a pill dispenser that will allow you to arrange your pills and dispense them accordingly. You can also ask for help from your caregiver offering health care services. They can, at the very least, remind you of when to take your medication.

These are some of the common concerns that you’ll have to face when aging in place. But, we can help you through the entire experience. Give us a call at 800-603-9711 or send us an email at We are ready to serve you.

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